Thursday, 15 March 2007

India 2007

Well.....heres where I will be updating you all over my time in India. Hopefully I will update this once a week, as apparently we get on day off a week where we can go to internet cafes and do what we like.

For those not in the know about where it is exactly I'm going: Flying out on the 10th April, staying in Mumbai (Bombay) for 5 days getting used to all things Indian, then down to Chennai, where the main focus seems to be working with the 'rag-pickers' (who live off rubbish tips, and are the lowest of the low in India's caste system), those suffering with HIV/AIDS and the countless people living in poverty in the city. I get a 2 week holiday somewhere in there where I have extreme plans to go with our team of 6 (3 girls, 3 guys, myself included) to Sri Lanka -just south of India. Don't know if thats possible though! Then returning on the 24th August.

Anyway, enjoy reading what I put here!


Anonymous said...

yay! looking forward to reading what you write here!

all sounds great atm :)


Anonymous said...

hello darling! this is going to be fun - don't bring home any sand!! mummy xxooxx

Anonymous said...

time for some news, Josh?

Hope it's all going well. You must be pretty busy. Chris